About Me

My name is Bella Blue Bloss, and I am a 21-year-old writer in London. 

I have a degree in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art and despite my interest in art, I have always loved fashion. I began this blog as a way for me to write about fashion, express more of my interests and take a break from academic writing. My plan for most of my life was to be a fashion designer however, my love for fashion design was deteriorating by the end of sixth form, and this was at the same time as my new infatuation with art history was forming. I realised soon into my degree that my desire to study art history as opposed to fashion wasn't because I preferred art over fashion, it was because I valued writing so much more than the practical side of art/fashion.

By starting this blog, I have rekindled my love for fashion and found a balance between art history, fashion history and my other interests. This blog has become a shared space where all my interests can thrive and I no longer have to limit myself. I am genuinely thankful for my degree in art history, which those who know me personally may find hard to believe. Art history has taught me so much about my own visual language and critical arguments. Through this degree, I have found my voice and improved my writing, and it has opened up so many pathways for me as an aspiring writer. 

Writing has been one of the only things I have ever done for myself. I have been writing stories and books since I was little and even began my first fashion blog when I was 12 called Fashion, Turn to the Left! This blog isn't public anymore, but I still have all my posts archived. Part of me has always wanted to be a writer, and I am so happy that I am finally pursuing this dream, starting with Venus in Couture!


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