
Showing posts from July, 2023

Pearl (2022) - The Red Dress Reframed

The red dress has been a symbol in cinema since colour film was introduced. Think Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel in matching, dazzling red dresses in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes , Nicole Kidman in her sensuous satin red gown in Moulin Rouge , Julia Robert’s beloved red dress in Pretty Woman , or even Jessica Rabbit’s sparkling attire; the list goes on and on. These red dresses all have one thing in common, they represent a certain type of woman in film or signify a shift in a storyline or in a character's narrative. Often the red dress represents the sexuality of a woman, charging her with power and confidence, the wearer is ambitious and knows what she wants, if not always femme-fatale, but certainly femme-audacious in her show-stealing red dress. As bell hooks said, “She knows that red is the colour of passion, that a woman in a red dress is sultry, sensuous, that a woman wearing a red dress had better look out.” These acclaimed female characters in red dresses are unforgettable an